I think a lot of us now are realising that you shouldn't believe everything you read or see in the news or wherever! Clickbait just to get people to 'click' on a particular story etc. I stopped watching the news a while back during the pandemic, I was so fed up with the rubbish that was being churned out, I haven't watched it since! If a…
I think a lot of us now are realising that you shouldn't believe everything you read or see in the news or wherever! Clickbait just to get people to 'click' on a particular story etc. I stopped watching the news a while back during the pandemic, I was so fed up with the rubbish that was being churned out, I haven't watched it since! If anything important happens you soon find out from others. Plus let's face it the news lately is way too depressing, I think the world has finally gone mad! Stop it, I want to get off!! So much hatred and bile and fiction and people will still believe it all!! Thanks for showing your latest video, it really brought home that there are still people who have a big heart and are willing to make a sacrifice for others! Children will always tug at the heartstrings whatever they are suffering with. You'll also find that they are the kindest, thoughtful humans around, it's the adults that need to take a good, hard look at themselves!! Well done you for your instagram post in the week. It must have taken a lot of courage for you to do that and hopefully it will encourage others to take that first step and free their minds. No-one should have to be put in that position in the first place! I don't like people too much at all! I have a t-shirt with the words: 'Dogs make me happy, humans make my head hurt'!! Take care Andrew, you probably won't see much more of me from now on! My health is suffering more and more and let's face it, I'm not getting any younger!! Thank you so much for all that you do, all your hard work and selfless efforts to help others and entertain so many people. You are a lovely, hard working, kind and considerate human being, that's why I love you and so many others who feel the same way. Be careful on that bike! There are a lot of idiots about!! Looking forward to more fantastic videos and stories of your adventures with Dougal & Ted!! Lots of love from Anne xxx
Thanks Anne, sorry to hear you're not doing too good. If it's any consolation I won't be around at the shows much any more myself. Nothing stays the same! Lots of love xxx
I think a lot of us now are realising that you shouldn't believe everything you read or see in the news or wherever! Clickbait just to get people to 'click' on a particular story etc. I stopped watching the news a while back during the pandemic, I was so fed up with the rubbish that was being churned out, I haven't watched it since! If anything important happens you soon find out from others. Plus let's face it the news lately is way too depressing, I think the world has finally gone mad! Stop it, I want to get off!! So much hatred and bile and fiction and people will still believe it all!! Thanks for showing your latest video, it really brought home that there are still people who have a big heart and are willing to make a sacrifice for others! Children will always tug at the heartstrings whatever they are suffering with. You'll also find that they are the kindest, thoughtful humans around, it's the adults that need to take a good, hard look at themselves!! Well done you for your instagram post in the week. It must have taken a lot of courage for you to do that and hopefully it will encourage others to take that first step and free their minds. No-one should have to be put in that position in the first place! I don't like people too much at all! I have a t-shirt with the words: 'Dogs make me happy, humans make my head hurt'!! Take care Andrew, you probably won't see much more of me from now on! My health is suffering more and more and let's face it, I'm not getting any younger!! Thank you so much for all that you do, all your hard work and selfless efforts to help others and entertain so many people. You are a lovely, hard working, kind and considerate human being, that's why I love you and so many others who feel the same way. Be careful on that bike! There are a lot of idiots about!! Looking forward to more fantastic videos and stories of your adventures with Dougal & Ted!! Lots of love from Anne xxx
Thanks Anne, sorry to hear you're not doing too good. If it's any consolation I won't be around at the shows much any more myself. Nothing stays the same! Lots of love xxx